Winter Wonderland
Winter is here! Ok, officially its not for another 20 days or so, but in my family Thanksgiving was always the turning point, and its cold out. So, I repeat, winter is here! For some parts of the country, the unending blanket of white has begun spreading over all. Others of us are waiting, but its coming. Soon. And once its here, the fun begins! Snowball fights, snow angels, sledding, skiing, not to mention beautiful sights.Another great winter activity for some is sculpting ice. For tha
24th Nov 2014
The Thanksgiving Fall
Every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving, my family and I decorate our house with Christmas lights. Last year, I was walking across what my family and I refer to as, “The Hill” and my foot caught.There’s that moment when you trip, the slow motion moment, where you know what is happening. You are about to fall. Your brain is not going fast enough to know what to do and your body tenses trying to brace itself for what is coming, possible pain. Possible break. Definite humiliation.My hands w
24th Nov 2014
The Most Interesting Man In The World
1. He can use a solar powered calculator at night2. He can dig a hole to the moon3. He can answer a missed call4. Judge Judy lets him finish his sentences5. He leaves messages BEFORE the beep6. There are seven wonders of the world, and he is four of them7. He outcooks Gordon Ramsey with an easy bake oven8. He can kill two stones with one bird9. He is so smart, that all of his teeth are wisdom teeth10. He can set a magnifying glass on fire using ants
He is the most interesting ma
24th Nov 2014
VitaventureducttapeAre your clothes tired, run-down, listless?Do they pop out at parties?Are they unpoopular?The answer to all your problems are on this website! Venture – Waterproof Cloth Duct Tape – 1556! Venture Waterproof Cloth Duct Tape contains polyethylene coated cotton, natural rubber pressure sensitive adhesive system, and 24 rolls.So, why don’t you join the thousands of very fashionable people and keep your clothes together with Venture Waterproof Cloth Duct Tape?All you have to do is
24th Nov 2014
Surprise!One time when I was a little kid, my shower was broken so I had to use my parent’s shower. I was walking back to my room with a towel wrapped around me when my brother who was in a room I was walking by said, “Hey! Get in!” and opened a big plastic bin. He said he would close the lid and take me down the hall to the kitchen where our mother was cleaing. There I could jump out and surprise her naked. Of course, I got it.What you don’t know about my brother is that he was a terror and
24th Nov 2014